The EPOS User Club

Welcome to the EPOS User Club. Here you will find a knowledge base with EPOS-related materials.
You also have the option of asking questions to our expert team. Enjoy!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 679386

The sole responsibility for the content of the information lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EPOS nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

EPOS Toolbox

The toolbox is comprised of the following features:

For background information and help with the EPOS toolbox, see the EPOS guidance section.


This area is restricted to registered users. When logged in, the EPOS toolbox guides users through cross-sector industrial symbiosis (IS).

EPOS Guidance

This area provides general information on the EPOS project, tools, technologies and cases, all validating industrial symbiosis (IS).
This is open access information.

EPOS News EPOS User Manual
EPOS-related updates EPOS toolbox guidance and wizard

Technology Focus

Generic IS Cases
Reviews of IS technologies with high IS potential Review of IS cases with high replicability potential

OSMOSE Background

LESTS Background
EPFL IS software manual and publications UGent IS surveys, publications


IS resources and publications Relevant IS videos

EPOS Insights

Deliverable Summaries
Published EPOS outcomes Summaries of project deliverables

Copyright notice​

© EPOS project partners. Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright, database rights and similar rights in all material published on this site are owned by the EPOS project consortium.

You are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for your personal use. This material is allowed to be used for public use, provided the source is acknowledged. None of this material may be used for any commercial use.

Personal data protection

The EPOS project consortium is committed to user privacy. You can browse through most parts of this website without giving any information about yourself; in some cases, personal information is required in order to provide the services you request. The EPOS project consortium collects personal information when you register by filling out and submitting the online forms. When you register you are asked for information such as your first name, last name and official e-mail address.
All data collected is used only for purposes of the EPOS project and only to the extent it is necessary to fulfill those purposes. The EPOS project consortium does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with third parties except to provide products or services you have requested, when we have your permission. You can verify and rectify your personal data at any time by contacting and/or the specific address provided for a particular action, product or event. By contacting this address you can also request to delete your record. The EPOS project consortium has taken all safety measures required to protect your personal data. Access to the EPOS database is limited to operatives who have committed themselves to confidentiality.